Viva la Revolution!!!

More capital is still flowing into fossil fuel technologies than into climate protection and adaptation measures - and this is despite our current level of knowledge.


How is that possible?

It takes big decisions to hand over a world worth living in to our children.

The difference between the expected effects of 1.5 and 1.7 degrees of global warming is huge; every tenth of a degree counts.

From the UN Secretary-General and the Pope downwards, it is actually quite clear that it is more than serious and absolutely high time.

However, the individual governments are taking a more cautious, almost wait-and-see approach.

This actually raises the question: are political decision-makers in this precarious situation ill-informed or are they acting against their better judgment - both cases can actually be classified as gross negligence.

It is probably primarily about the fear of unpopular decisions.

And rightly so, because voluntarily refraining from drawing from the full and cutting back on the luxuries that have become so dear to us, if not commonplace and supposedly an indispensable basis of life, without (for so many still) actually tangible external necessity, is an act that is probably reaching the limits of what is possible.

Any restriction could therefore be classified by voters as political paternalism bordering on arbitrariness.

To put it bluntly, politicians are listening to the grass roots and avoiding steps that could acutely restrict our accustomed standard of living, even though these would provide us with an essential bonus for the future like a savings stocking - but the future is so far away.

If you think about this phenomenon in the other direction, it gives people like you and me a lot of power, because we obviously don't want to be put off.

So let's think out loud and turn the system around - if politics is geared towards us, then we have to set the direction.

A global rethink is what we want to initiate. Voluntary saving for future generations as the basis for a vision of the future that does not involve overexploitation and exploitation - because it is possible.

How can an individual change the world?

Firstly, the fall of the Berlin Wall, for example, would not have been possible without the power of the individual.

The life and actions of each individual have an impact, act as a role model and can also be contagious. Every decision in our lives (and we make so many consciously or unconsciously every day) goes in a certain direction, depending on our inner vision (and YES, EVERYONE HAS ONE - but very few choose one themselves).

Every purchasing decision we make influences the market, every cross on a ballot paper carries weight - even the ocean is made up of individual drops.

Let's be aware of this!

We are in the fortunate position of having both the means and the technology to take the right path - now we just need to make the right decisions. Let's make them! Today. 💚