Stanz im Mürztal showcase project: The energy comes from the people!

When citizens join forces. And produce their own green energy. And trade it among themselves. Then there's beer for kilowatts. The municipality of Stanz im Mürztal is demonstrating what no one in Europe has yet implemented. As part of the "European Smart Villages Observatory Meeting" on May 11 in Graz, the "Stanz Token" project was presented to the European public as a flagship project of the EU Commission.


Mayor Fritz Pichler and Riddle&Code Managing Director Kai Siefert flipped the switch and activated the real-time connection of the first Stanzer electricity producers and consumers. With this hardware and software solution, the members of the Energiegemeinschaft Stanzertal (EEG) can adapt their consumption behavior even better to the amount of electricity produced by the community and at the same time retain full control over their own data. In future, the energy not consumed will even become a currency in its own right (StanzerTaler). This will strengthen the local economy. Then there will be beer for kilowatts!


How it works

The system is very simple, says Friedrich Pichler, Mayor of Stanz and co-founder of the energy community: " All participants can use the app to track the EEG's level of self-supply, read off their own contribution and see in real time who they are currently purchasing electricity from or supplying it to," explains Pichler. The implementation of the project has created the digital basis for the optimal distribution of electricity. Our people in Stanz want to decide for themselves where the journey takes them. That's why independence, data sovereignty and active participation are very important to them, explains Mayor Pichler.


But it's also about more - the token

For every kilowatt hour that does not find a direct buyer within the community, I could in future receive a virtual token instead of the less interesting feed-in tariffs. I can then exchange this token for community energy at another time, for example when my PV system is not producing any electricity. Or I can buy a crate of beer from Trixi's village store," summarizes Pichler. We are delighted that we were able to win over the Austrian market leader Riddle&Code to develop this pioneering project. And now that Stanz can take off, we look forward to other municipalities following the same path.


Blockchain wallets

The technical implementation is based on blockchain technology. With our MYPWR product, we were able to offer Energiegemeinschaft Stanzertal a simple plug and play solution, explains Siefert. The package includes blockchain wallets for smart meters and all end devices. A lot can be saved if production and consumption are coordinated within the EEG. For example, e-car charging stations, the cold store control for Trixi's village store and much more for households and companies are connected. Everything from a single source


Too little, too late

In fact, energy communities typically all have the same challenges: They get too little data and that too late - "too little, too late". Siefert puts it in a nutshell: "What do I gain if I receive the information with my monthly bill that I could have charged my car cheaply four weeks ago on Tuesday and washed the dishes cheaply with the dishwasher? MYPWR not only provides this data accurately, but also in real time. And if you want, it will even automatically turn on the washing machine for you when it's cheap.
And finally:

We are proud that this innovative flagship project has chosen us to develop a system that can now be easily implemented throughout Austria and Europe.


Edina Ocsko, coordinator for the EU Smart Rural project, comments: 'We chose Stanz because the municipality has the most advanced concept and a clear vision of where they want to go with clean energy. And they can serve as an example for other municipalities.

The project still leaves a lot to the imagination: In further steps, energy trading between the participants could be expanded and further plants with citizen participation could be integrated. We can only hope that this example will set a precedent.


Image ©️ Christiane Rinke