Lead-free into the new year

We know that pouring lead is unhealthy. Nevertheless, at various New Year's Eve parties, the host likes to dig out a set from days gone by - because it simply belongs.

But some things really do need to be questioned, and even if we associate it with old traditions, we'd be better off not casting lead.

Lead and the corresponding vapors can cause real damage to the central nervous system and impair intelligence, warns Stiftung Warentest.

Since 2018, the sale of products with a lead content higher than 0.3% has been banned in the EU.

According to a study by Stiftung Warentest in 2018, the lead content of lead casting sets is up to 71%.


pro.earth conclusion:

This figure has completely convinced us. As an alternative, beautiful, colorful wax casting sets are available in stores.
